
Why Hot Yoga is the Most Effective 2-in-1 Workout

Hot Yoga

Why Hot Yoga is the Best and Most Effective Workout

I remember trying my first hot yoga class back in 2012. It was at a gym, in one of their fitness studios. The positions and poses made sense. Just as the class name suggested, everything flowed and felt good- a feeling I had never gotten after a fitness class. Although it wasn’t very hot or the right environment, I still knew that I had found something that works for me. I walked out of my first class feeling lighter, yet somehow stronger. Like I had accomplished something- not only for my body, but for my mind as well.

I’ve never been one to enjoy gyms. The bright lights, loud music and slamming weights don’t do it for me. I also never lucked out with a group workout class that I particularly enjoyed. There’s always too much shouting and confusing movement. With yoga there is none of that. The teacher’s voice is calm and soothing, their instructions clear, and the classes have the added bonus of variations (if you’re at a higher level).

It’s a 3 in 1 Workout

There’s nothing better than being able to multitask efficiently. I don’t know of one other workout that leaves you feeling stronger, more flexible, and like you did something good for your mental health. Yoga is a full body workout, with the added benefit (and challenge) of practicing in a heated studio. It also gives you a chance to tap into any meditation practices you may have or are trying out.

It Helps To Prep Your Body For Other Exercises and Workouts

Flexibility and mobility is a huge aspect in most exercises, and yoga is incredibly effective in working on both (while still being gentle on the body). If you can’t do a certain position or pose, remember that every body is different and some are simply not made to bend or hold certain shapes. It doesn’t make you a lesser yogi or athlete, it just means your knees weren’t made to touch the ground in butterfly- and that’s okay!

Hot Yoga Helps with Learning to Meditate

One of the most challenging aspects of yoga is learning how to be more mindful. You’re constantly reminded to focus on the present, and to pay attention to what you’re doing and what you’re doing only. Both of which are key elements to meditating successfully.

If you’re feeling nervous about heading into your first class, remember that everyone had a first yoga class. Yes, even your instructor and that yogi in a headstand inversion in the front row. Remember that nobody is watching you or looking to see you fail. I promise you that everyone was once just as sweaty, just as shaky, and just as in their own head as you are.

Tips to Keep in Mind

  • find a teacher and class style that you love (try to find slower, yin style classes to start)
  • remember that it’s easy to overdo it in a heated room when your muscles are loosened up
  • try to keep your jaw relaxed
  • watch yoga videos of basic sequences online to help with learning poses you’ll be doing often